The Old Sewage Cleaning Station

The Ekotechnicke museum is located in the old sewage works of Prague. The object belongs to the most important structures of the Czech industrial architecture. The building and its technical equipment served for treating wastewater from the capital since 1906. The English civil engineer William Heerlein Lindley designed the plant for about half a million inhabitants. In 1933 a project for a new central treatment plant was prepared, but not implemented due to lack of financial means. Further development was interrupted by World War II and so Lindley´s old plant went on serving till 1967. The abandoned old plant had lost its function and begun to deteriorate. As late as in the late eighties it was discovered by enthusiasts who duly started its restoration. In 1992 they converted the Lindley´s old plant into a museum, which has been gradually made accesible to the public. Guided tours start in the underground, where the visitors can discover the history of the Prague sewerage and waste water treatment. In the engine room stand two stationary steam engines of 1903, preserved in working condition, which are demonstrated under steam on special occasions.